Format directions for Authors of KVC Verlag
Dear authors.
After the 8th mistletoe symposium, a print version and an
electronic version of Die Mistel in der Tumortherapie 6
(new German title) will be published.
Please note that the print will be in black and
white. Colored images should be well recognizable even in
1. Document template
The document template "mistel_6 EN.dotx" (please click here) defines
the following layout in detail:
Paper size:
DIN A5 (14.8 x 21 cm)
2.5 cm
bottom: 1.7
1.5 cm
right: 1.5 cm
Standard font:
Palatino linotype 10 pt
The font of the main text is to be palatino linotype, 10 pt. The
first line of the paragraph is indented by 0.65 cm. Please write
single spaced with justified alignment. Standard text and
references should not be underlined or in CAPITAL LETTERS, write
only Latin terms in italics.
Please observe the order of headings:
Heading 1: Calibri 16 pt
Heading 2: Calibri 14.5 pt
Heading 3: Calibri 12 pt
2. Set-up of the manuscript
- Heading in English
- Name of author
- Summary and key words (English)
- Introduction
- Material and methods
- Results
- Discussion
- Outlook, conclusion (if appropriate)
- Expression of thanks
- References
- Conflict of Interest
- Information on the authors with full name,
titles and address
- Address and email for correspondence.
If the publication is in English, please start with the English
heading and the English summary (+ key words) at their respective
3. Tables and figures
Please insert tables with headings in the
running text.
Please refer to the figures in the running text
and rather insert legends.
Please store all figures with legends in
separate files.
Figures should have the following format:
- jpeg, jpg, tiff
- Excel, Powerpoint.
4. References in the text (based on JAMA
References should include (in parentheses) first author without
first name + year of publication + differentiation a, b, c without
spaces, semicolon next reference, in case of 2 authors connect both
names with &.
Example of a text passage with references:
... For the details of each study and its assessment as well as
general methodological considerations and suggestions for future
studies, see appropriate systematic reviews and HTA reports, e.g.
(Büssing et al. 2012; Horneber et al. 2008;
Kienle et al. 2003; 2009; 2011a; 2011b; Kienle, Kiene
2003; 2007; 2010; Lange-Lindberg et al. 2006; Ostermann
et al. 2009) and a study by Grah (2010) ...
5. List of references
Entries after the first author are made in alphabetical order,
then the year of the publication (in descending order; i.e. the
last publication is mentioned first).
- Authors: Last name first name initial, no separation by comma
(abbr. without full stop, no blank between two first name
initials), several authors separated by commas
- After 3 names the list of authors can be shortened by "et
- After colon (:), title of the contribution. Latin words such as
Viscum album or in vitro, in
vivo in italics
- Journal name, use its customary abbreviation, no
- Year of publication or (in press); if several with same year of
publication: distinguish them with a), b), c) etc.; semicolon
- Volume, colon, indication of pages always with from-to; no
- End with full stop.
Examples of reference citations: journals*, books**, sections of
books***, internet pages****
*Stein MS, Schaller G, Pfüller U et al.: Characterisation of
granulocyte stimulation by thionins from European mistletoe and
from wheat. Biochim Biophys Acta. 1999a; 1426: 80-90.
**Scheer R, Alban S, Becker H et al. (Hrsg.): Die
Mistel in der Tumortherapie 5 - Aktueller Stand der Forschung und
klinischen Anwendung. Essen: KVC; 2020.
*** Schröder L, Senkler J, Braun HP: Special features of
cellular respiration in Viscum album. In: Scheer R, Alban
S, Becker H et al. (Hrsg.): Die Mistel in der
Tumortherapie 5 - Aktueller Stand der Forschung und klinische
Anwendung. Essen: KVC; 2020: 3-13. Click here for the
sample file.
**** Office des Leitlinienprogrammes Onkologie
c/o Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft e.V.: S3-Leitlinie
Komplementärmedizin in der Behandlung onkologischer PatientInnen
(last access: 4.9.2023)
5. Enquires and manuscript submission via
Dr. Rainer Scheer
Carl Gustav Carus-Institut
Allmendstr. 55
75223 Niefern-Öschelbronn
Tel +49 (0)7233 7043-118
Fax +49 (0)7233 7043-110
The manuscripts including figures and tables should not have
more than 10 pages.
You can download the instructions for authors as PDF here.
An example of a book manuscript (Word file) can be downloaded
Öschelbronn, 12th February 2024